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Account - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model
Common interface for password-protected user and admin accounts.
AccountRole - Enum Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model
User roles for admin and user accounts.
AdminAccount - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service
Admin user account, with credentials provided through Spring properties.
AdminAccountManagementController - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller
Admin-accessible controller providing the user management functionality.
AdminAccountManagementController() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
AdminAccountSettings - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config
Configuration properties for the application admin account.
AdminAccountSettings(String, String) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Creates an instance of a AdminAccountSettings record class.
AdminCoasterManagementController - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller
Admin-accessible controller providing the coaster assignment functionality.
AdminCoasterManagementController() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.AdminCoasterManagementController
assignCoasterAction(String, Model, String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.AdminCoasterManagementController
Assign the coaster to the user specified in the assign coaster form.
assignCoasterForm(String, Model, int) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.AdminCoasterManagementController
Populate and show the assign coaster form.
assignCoasterToUser(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Assign the coaster entity to the specified user.
assignCoasterToUser(String, String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
authority() - Method in enum class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.AccountRole
Return the GrantedAuthority for a role


BeginMessage(String, float) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Creates an instance of a BeginMessage record class.


changePasswordAction(String, Model, ChangeUserPasswordDto, BindingResult) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Change the user's password to the one specified in the change password form.
changePasswordAction(Model, ChangeUserPasswordDto, BindingResult, Authentication) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.UserChangePasswordController
Change the user's own password to the one specified in the change password form.
changePasswordForm(String, Model, ChangeUserPasswordDto) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Populate and show the change password form.
changePasswordForm(Model, ChangeUserPasswordDto) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.UserChangePasswordController
Populate and show the user's change own password form.
ChangeUserPasswordDto - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto
Data class describing the password to be set.
ChangeUserPasswordDto() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.ChangeUserPasswordDto
clientId() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Returns the value of the clientId record component.
clock() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.HydrohomieApplication
Coaster - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model
Models the coaster details: display name, description, timezone, place, owner; and device state: initial weight measurement and inactivity time.
Coaster() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Coaster
CoasterManagementService - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service
Coaster entity management service.
CoasterManagementServiceImpl - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service
Implementation of CoasterManagementService
CoasterManagementServiceImpl() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
CoasterMessage - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Message produced/consumed by the coaster.
CoasterMessage.BeginMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Sent after the first weight measurement is made by the coaster.
CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Sent by the coaster after connecting to the MQTT broker.
CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Sent after the initial weight measurement is discarded by the coaster.
CoasterMessage.EndMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Sent after the final volume measurement is made by the coaster.
CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Send periodically by the coaster with information about the inactivity time.
CoasterMessage.IncomingDeviceTopicMessage - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Common interface for messages on the device topic, sent by the device to the backend application.
CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Sent by the backend, includes the initial load value and total volume.
CoasterRepository - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo
Repository of Coaster, used to store coaster details and device state.
CoasterService - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service
Coaster state management service.
CoasterServiceImpl - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service
Implementation of CoasterService
CoasterServiceImpl() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
ConnectedMessage(String) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage
Creates an instance of a ConnectedMessage record class.
countByOwner(String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Fetch the count of coasters assigned to the specified user.
countByOwnerIsNull() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Fetch the count of coasters that are not assigned to any user.
create(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo.UserRepository
Create a user with the given username, password hash and status.
create(String, Instant, ZoneId) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Create a coaster with the given device ID, inactivity time and timezone.
createAccount(String, PlaintextPassword, boolean) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
Create the user account with the specified username, plaintext password and enabled status.
createAccount(String, PlaintextPassword, boolean) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
createMeasurement(String, Measurement, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Create a Measurement for the specified Coaster.
createMeasurement(String, Measurement, Instant) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
createUserAction(NewUserDto, BindingResult, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Create the user account specified in the create account form.
createUserForm(NewUserDto) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Populate and show the create new user account form.


DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.util.PaginationUtil
The default page size.
deleteAccount(String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
Delete the specified user.
deleteAccount(String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
deleteUserAction(String, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Delete the user specified in the path variable 'id'.
deleteUserConfirm(String, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Show the user delete confirmation view.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
device() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Returns the value of the device record component.
DEVICE_SUBTOPIC - Static variable in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
MQTT subtopic for individual devices
deviceName() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns the value of the deviceName record component.
DeviceTopicHandler - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler
MQTT message handler for CoasterMessage.IncomingDeviceTopicMessage on the device topic.
DeviceTopicHandler() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler.DeviceTopicHandler
DiscardMessage(String) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
Creates an instance of a DiscardMessage record class.


editCoasterAction(String, Authentication, Model, UpdateCoasterDetailsDto, BindingResult) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Update the coaster details to the ones specified in the edit coaster form.
editCoasterForm(String, Authentication, Model, UpdateCoasterDetailsDto) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Populate and show the edit coaster details form.
EndMessage(String, float) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Creates an instance of a EndMessage record class.
EntityNotFoundException - Exception in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.exception
Exception representing a failure to fetch the desired entity.
EntityNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Construct a new EntityNotFoundException with the given message.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.PlaintextPassword
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


findAllBy(Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo.UserRepository
Fetch the specified page of user account data.
findAllByDeviceName(String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.MeasurementRepository
Fetch all measurements for the specified coaster.
findAllByOwner(String, Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Fetch coaster entities assigned to the specified user.
findAllByOwnerIsNull(Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Fetch coaster entities that are not assigned to any user.
findByDeviceNameAndOwner(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.CoasterRepository
Fetch the coaster entity by device ID.
findByDeviceNameAndOwnerAndIntervalGrouped(String, String, Instant, Instant, ChronoUnit, ZoneId) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.MeasurementRepository
Fetch the measurements for the specified coaster and time period at time zone, grouped by the given time unit.
findByUsername(String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo.UserRepository
Fetch the UserDetails instance for the given username.
findByUsername(String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
findByUsername(String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
findDailySumVolumeForCoaster(String, LocalDate, ZoneId) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.MeasurementRepository
Fetch the sum of volume measurements for the given coaster and date.
findTop10LatestByDeviceNameAndOwner(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo.MeasurementRepository
Fetch the 10 latest measurements for the coaster.
fromPage(int) - Static method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.util.PaginationUtil
Create a Pageable object with the default page size and given page number.


getAllAccounts(Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
Fetch the specified page of user account data.
getAllAccounts(Pageable) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
getAuthorities() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.UserAccount
getAuthorities() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.AdminAccount
getCoasterAndDailySumVolume(String, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Fetch the coaster entity and the sum of volume measurements for the given date.
getCoasterAndDailySumVolume(String, Instant) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
getCoasterDetails(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Fetch the specified coaster entity.
getCoasterDetails(String, String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
getLatestMeasurements(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Fetch the 10 latest measurements for the coaster.
getLatestMeasurements(String, String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
getLatestMeasurements(String, Authentication) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Fetch the last 10 measurements for the given coaster.
getMeasurements(String, Long, Long, ChronoUnit, ZoneId, Authentication) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Fetch measurements for the given coaster in the specified time period and timezone, grouped by the time unit.
getMeasurementsByIntervalGrouped(String, String, Instant, Instant, ChronoUnit, ZoneId) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Fetch the measurements for the specified coaster and time period at time zone, grouped by the given time unit.
getMeasurementsByIntervalGrouped(String, String, Instant, Instant, ChronoUnit, ZoneId) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
getPassword() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.WithPasswordConfirmation
Return the plaintext password.
getPwConfirm() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.WithPasswordConfirmation
Return the plaintext password confirmation.
getUnassignedCoasters(Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Fetch the specified page of coaster entities that are not assigned to any user.
getUnassignedCoasters(Pageable) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
getUserAssignedCoasters(String, Pageable) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Fetch the specified page of coaster entities that are assigned to the specified user.
getUserAssignedCoasters(String, Pageable) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
groups() - Element in annotation interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator.MatchingPasswords


handle(CoasterService, Instant) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
handle(CoasterService, Instant) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
handle(CoasterService, Instant) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
handle(CoasterService, Instant) - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
handle(CoasterService, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.IncomingDeviceTopicMessage
Handle the incoming message using the provided state management service.
handle(CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage, MessageHeaders) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler.RootTopicHandler
handle(CoasterMessage.IncomingDeviceTopicMessage, MessageHeaders) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler.DeviceTopicHandler
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.PlaintextPassword
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HeartbeatMessage(String, int) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Creates an instance of a HeartbeatMessage record class.
homepage(int, Authentication, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Populate and show the assigned coaster list view.
homepage(int, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Populate and show the homepage/user account list view.
homepage(int, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.AdminCoasterManagementController
Populate and show the unassigned coaster list view.
homepage(Authentication) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller.RootController
Redirect the user to their appropriate homepage.
HydrohomieApplication - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie
HydrohomieApplication() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.HydrohomieApplication


id() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns the value of the id record component.
inactiveSeconds() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Returns the value of the inactiveSeconds record component.
initBinder(WebDataBinder) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Set the WebDataBinder to trim strings and convert empty strings to null.
initLoad() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Returns the value of the initLoad record component.
initTotal() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Returns the value of the initTotal record component.
isAccountNonExpired() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.Account
isAccountNonLocked() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.Account
isCredentialsNonExpired() - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.Account
isEnabled() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.AdminAccount
isValid(WithPasswordConfirmation, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator.MatchingPasswordsValidator


ListeningMessage(String, Float, float) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Creates an instance of a ListeningMessage record class.
load() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Returns the value of the load record component.
login() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller.RootController
Show the login form.


main(String[]) - Static method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.HydrohomieApplication
MatchingPasswords - Annotation Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator
The annotated WithPasswordConfirmation must have a matching plaintext password and password confirmation.
MatchingPasswordsValidator - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator
Implementation of the MatchingPasswords validator logic.
MatchingPasswordsValidator() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator.MatchingPasswordsValidator
Measurement - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model
Models a single volume measurement made by the coaster.
Measurement(Integer, String, float, Instant) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Creates an instance of a Measurement record class.
MeasurementRepository - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo
Repository of Measurement, used to store coaster measurement data.
message() - Element in annotation interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator.MatchingPasswords
mqttChannelAdapter(MqttClientSettings, MqttPahoClientFactory) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter to handle inbound MQTT messages from the root topic and device subtopics.
MqttClientSettings - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config
Configuration properties for the MQTT client.
MqttClientSettings(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Creates an instance of a MqttClientSettings record class.
MqttConfiguration - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config
Bean configuration for inbound and outbound MQTT clients.
MqttConfiguration() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
mqttDeviceTopicFlow(DeviceTopicHandler) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the integration flow for incoming device subtopic messages.
mqttInbound(MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the IntegrationFlow for inbound MQTT messages.
mqttOutbound(MqttClientSettings, MqttPahoClientFactory) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the MqttPahoMessageHandler for sending MQTT messages.
mqttPahoClientFactory(MqttClientSettings) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the MqttPahoClientFactory instance.
mqttRootTopicFlow(RootTopicHandler, MessageHandler) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttConfiguration
Configure the integration flow for incoming root topic messages.


NewUserDto - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto
Data class describing the user to be created.
NewUserDto() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.NewUserDto


PaginationUtil - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.util
Utilities related to pagination in the web UI.
password() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Returns the value of the password record component.
passwordEncoder() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config.SecurityConfiguration
Configure the Argon2id password encoder, as recommended by the OWASP Cheat Sheet
payload() - Element in annotation interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator.MatchingPasswords
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config
Application admin account configuration
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller
Controllers for admin and user account management
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto
DTOs used by the admin and user account management endpoints
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model
Model classes used by the UserServiceImpl and other account-related functionality
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo
Repository layer for user management services
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service
Service layer for the user management functionality
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.validator
Validators for user data models
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller
Controllers for coaster presentation and management
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.dto - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.dto
DTOs used by coaster management endpoints
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model
Model classes used by the CoasterServiceImpl, CoasterManagementServiceImpl and MQTT message handlers
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.repo
Repository layer for coaster management services
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service
Service layer for the coaster management and inspection functionality
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config
Inbound and outbound MQTT message flow configuration
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler
MQTT message handlers that facilitate communication with the smart coaster
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model
Message model classes used by MQTT handlers
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config
Common web MVC configuration
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller
Common web controllers for admin and user actors
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.exception - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.exception
Exception classes shared by all controllers
pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.util - package pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.util
Common utilities related to the web UI
plaintext() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.PlaintextPassword
Returns the value of the plaintext record component.
PlaintextPassword - Record Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto
Wrapper record for plaintext passwords.
PlaintextPassword(String) - Constructor for record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.PlaintextPassword
Creates an instance of a PlaintextPassword record class.


removeCoasterAction(String, Authentication, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Remove the coaster specified in the path variable 'id'.
removeCoasterConfirm(String, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Show the coaster remove confirmation view.
removeCoasterFromUser(String, String) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Disassociate the coaster entity from the specified user.
removeCoasterFromUser(String, String) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
resetCoasterState(String, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Reset the coaster state in the database.
resetCoasterState(String, Instant) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
ROLE_ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.AccountRole
Role possessed by the AdminAccount.
ROLE_USER - Enum constant in enum class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.AccountRole
Role possessed by all UserAccounts.
RootController - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller
Common root controller for authenticated and unauthenticated users.
RootController() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.controller.RootController
RootTopicHandler - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler
MQTT message handler for CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage on the root topic.
RootTopicHandler() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.handler.RootTopicHandler


SecurityConfiguration - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config
Global web security and password encoding configuration.
SecurityConfiguration() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config.SecurityConfiguration
securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.webmvc.config.SecurityConfiguration
Configure the Spring SecurityWebFilterChain.
setAccountEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
Set the user's enabled status.
setAccountEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
setEnabledUserAction(String, boolean, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.AdminAccountManagementController
Set the user's enabled status to the one specified in the parameter 'enabled'.
showCoasterDetails(String, Authentication, Model) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
Populate and show the coaster details view.


timestamp() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns the value of the timestamp record component.
topic() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Returns the value of the topic record component.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto.PlaintextPassword
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.UserAccount
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.BeginMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ConnectedMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.DiscardMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.HeartbeatMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.ListeningMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.


updateCoasterDetails(String, String, UpdateCoasterDetailsDto) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementService
Update the coaster entity with the specified details.
updateCoasterDetails(String, String, UpdateCoasterDetailsDto) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterManagementServiceImpl
UpdateCoasterDetailsDto - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.dto
Data class describing the new coaster entity details.
UpdateCoasterDetailsDto() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.dto.UpdateCoasterDetailsDto
updateCoasterInactivity(String, int, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Update the coaster inactivity time with the specified value.
updateCoasterInactivity(String, int, Instant) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
updateCoasterInitLoad(String, float, Instant) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterService
Update the coaster initial weight measurement with the specified value.
updateCoasterInitLoad(String, float, Instant) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.service.CoasterServiceImpl
updatePassword(String, PlaintextPassword) - Method in interface pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserService
Change the user's existing password to the specified plaintext password.
updatePassword(String, PlaintextPassword) - Method in class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl
url() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.config.MqttClientSettings
Returns the value of the url record component.
UserAccount - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model
Models the regular user account with username and hashed password.
UserAccount() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.UserAccount
UserChangePasswordController - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller
User-accessible controller providing account self-management.
UserChangePasswordController() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.controller.UserChangePasswordController
UserCoasterController - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller
User-accessible controller providing coaster presentation and management.
UserCoasterController() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.controller.UserCoasterController
username() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.config.AdminAccountSettings
Returns the value of the username record component.
UserRepository - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.repo
Repository of UserAccount, used to store user account data.
UserService - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service
User account management service.
UserServiceImpl - Class in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service
Implementation of UserService
UserServiceImpl() - Constructor for class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.service.UserServiceImpl


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.AccountRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.model.AccountRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
volume() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.coaster.model.Measurement
Returns the value of the volume record component.
volume() - Method in record class pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.mqtt.model.CoasterMessage.EndMessage
Returns the value of the volume record component.


WithPasswordConfirmation - Interface in pl.kmolski.hydrohomie.account.dto
Common interface for DTOs that contain passwords and password confirmations.
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